Babur Kerim Incedayi Quotazioni, valore e valutazione opere

Babür K. Incedayı is a professor of interior an industrial design in İstanbul. He studied in the Academy of Fine Arts at the Department of Interior Design in Istanbul and graduated in 1969. Leggi la biografia completa

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Esperto che effettua una valutazione di opere d’arte

Biografia di Babur Kerim Incedayi

Babür K. Incedayı is a professor of interior an industrial design in İstanbul. He studied in the Academy of Fine Arts at the Department of Interior Design in Istanbul and graduated in 1969. Between 1969 and 1974 he studied and worked in Italy and did some researches in Rome and Milan in the area of industrial design. İn 1975 he returned to Turkey and has started to teach at the Academy of Fine Arts, in the Department of Industrial Design. In 2003 he established a new department called “Art and Design” at the Yeditepe University in İstanbul, and is still heading and teaching in this department. Professor İncedayı has a lot of degrees in international competitions of art and design and he participated in some exhibitions and fairs in Turkey and abroad. Some of his designs have been published in the international journals such as, Interforniture, Interni, Casa Vogue, Vomo Vogue and Arreda. In his work he specially focuses on the reproduction of the traditional forms and values in the modern design, and on transmitting them in today’s life. In his private exhibition named “Forming from the Past to the Future” in 2004 in İstanbul he shows the inspirations from the ancient times and their reflections on today’s industrial design. İn the year of Mevlana in 2007 he has prepared a new collection of design related to the research of Mevlana due to the Year of Mevlana announced by Unesco.

© 2024 Capitolium Art | P.IVA 02986010987 | REA: BS-495370 | Capitale Sociale € 10.000 | Er. pubbliche 2020

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