Luca Alinari (Florence, 1943). He attended the Faculty of Letters in Florence and in an early period of his life, he dealt with literary criticism. Read the full biography
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Luca Alinari (Florence, 1943). He attended the Faculty of Letters in Florence and in an early period of his life, he dealt with literary criticism. His first solo exhibition was in Florence in 1969. His work is a reflection on social and autobiographical reality, conducted with high figural precision, from which the image emerges enriched with connections and insinuations. He uses different supports and different techniques, including photographic transfer, decal, collage, favoring fluorescent colourism. At the beginning of the Seventies, after a reflective debut on Pop Art, he ironically painted interiors of living spaces. In 1972 he held a solo exhibition in Florence, at the Michauld Gallery and in 1979 he participated in various exhibitions. In 2005 he exhibited at the Rome Quadrennial.