Giorgio Celiberti (Udine, 1929). Attended the Art School in Venice and Emilio Vedova's studio. In 1948 he participated in the Venice Biennale, the first post-war edition. Read the full biography
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Giorgio Celiberti (Udine, 1929). Attended the Art School in Venice and Emilio Vedova's studio. In 1948 he participated in the Venice Biennale, the first post-war edition. At the beginning of the 1950s he moved to Paris and began a series of trips, important for his artistic training: Brussels, London, United States, Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela. Upon his return he settled in Rome, but in the 1960s he returned to Udine, where he conducted an artistic work of self-reflection. His work combines plastic and pictorial expression. Following a trip to Prague, in which he visited the Terezin concentration camp, his artistic production underwent a decisive turn towards the creation of works based on the silent testimony of the drama of the concentration camps.