Nikki Hermann (Vienna, 1938)
Hermann Nitsch rethinks the artistic gesture, giving life to "an entire work of art" that merges theatre, music and architecture. The artist's intention has always been to overcome the canvas as a support, and since 1957 he has been working on the idea of the "Orgien Mysterien Theatre", an alternative art form that involves all five senses, unleashing a profound sensorial element . Read the full biography
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Nikki Hermann (Vienna, 1938)
Hermann Nitsch rethinks the artistic gesture, giving life to "an entire work of art" that merges theatre, music and architecture. The artist's intention has always been to overcome the canvas as a support, and since 1957 he has been working on the idea of the "Orgien Mysterien Theatre", an alternative art form that involves all five senses, unleashing a profound sensorial element . In his performances primitive human instincts reappear with strong references to religious rites and rituals of ancient peoples. In Action Theatre, the artist introduces organic matter such as meat, blood, urine, calf carcasses and sheep. In 1971 he purchased Prinzendorf an der Zaya Castle near Vienna as a place to hold his events. The artist has had numerous solo and group exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, White Space in Beijing, Central Artists House in Moscow, Pan-Palazzo delle Arti in Naples and many other notable venues.