Nani Tedeschi Biography
Nani Tedeschi (Cadelbosco di Sopra, 5 September 1938 – Reggio Emilia, 8 August 2017) was an Italian painter, draftsman and engraver. Since 1964 he has held personal exhibitions in various galleries and exhibition centers in: Nevers, Vienna, Split, Hanover, Hamburg, Berlin, New York, Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Brazil. His solo exhibitions were held in the main Italian cities in museums, including: Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara, the Gallery of Modern Art in Modena, Palazzo Braschi in Rome, Castello Sforzesco in Milan, and the Fortezza del Priama in Savona. In his activity as a designer he illustrated the works of: Ariosto, Virgilio, Collodi, Folengo, Mantegazza, Diderot, Chiabrera, Stendhal. From 1967 to 2000 he created countless postcards and more than two hundred and fifty public posters, collaborating, always as an illustrator, with Corriere della Sera, Giornale Nuovo, Sole 24 Ore and RAI.