Boschi Achille Biography
Modena 1852 - 1930 Student at the Modena Academy with A. Mala Testa, in 1872 he obtained a subsidy from the master to continue his studies: in 1876 he won second place in the Coletti prize (France seeing the painting of Raphael's Santa Cecilia , Modena, Civic Museum). He assiduously participated in the exhibitions of the Society of Encouragement (Fra Girolamo Savonarola at the bed of Lorenzo de' Medici, 1875; Return from the pilgrimage, 1884) and in national exhibitions (Alfieri traveling in Spain, presented in Milan in 1881; Idillio rusticano, exhibited in Turin in 1898). His production oscillated on different registers: the altarpiece with Sant'Anna and other Saints (exhibited in Modena in 1887) is of Morellian origin, already crossed by a subtle Art Nouveau vein, II Redentore (1891, Cittanova, church of San Pietro Apostolo) , while the Sant'Agnese e Santi (1908, Prignano, Parish of San Lorenzo) appears to have a Malatesta approach, based on neo-fifteenth-century models. Also linked to G. Muzzioli, the artist recovered his suggestions in many canvases (Plautus reading the fables; The idyll, private collection). In his genre paintings, taking inspiration from the style of G. Bellei, he adopted a meticulous realism, but always with an academic approach (Reading, Modena, Provincial Administration).