Jef Aereosol Biography
Jef Aérosol, pseudonym of Jean-François Perroy (Nantes, 15 January 1957), is a French urban artist. A pioneer of street art since the early 80s, he made his first graffiti using a spray can in 1982, in Tours. His works can be found in many cities around the world: Paris, London, Lisbon, Venice, Rome, Amsterdam, Chicago, New York, Brussels, Beijing and many other French cities. His work often portrays famous personalities such as Elvis Presley, Gandhi, Lennon, Hendrix, but there is also no shortage of anonymous people taken from the street such as musicians, passers-by, beggars and children. It is also possible to find his works in shows, festivals and international events. One of the most famous works remains "Sitting kid" drawn on the Great Wall of China. Almost all of his works are marked by several red arrows, which he inserts into his works, which together with the signature (initially a simple Jef, then later Jef Aérosol) are his trademark and their meaning remains shrouded in mystery. Jef named and designed the cover of "Vite Fait, Bien Fait" (éditions Alternatives / Agnès B, Paris, 1986). In 2007 he wrote the book: "VIP Very Important Pochoirs" (éditions Alternatives, Paris).