Paolo Albani Biography
Paolo Albani is an Italian writer, visual poet and performer born in Marina di Massa in 1946. He is the editor-in-chief of Nuova Tèchne, a distinctive literary magazine, published in eBook format since 2015 by Quodlibet Editori. He is a member of the OpLePo (Potential Literature Workshop) and Magnificent Consul of the Vitellian Pataphysical Institute, an autonomous emanation of the College of Pataphysics. Albani is known for his curious encyclopedic collections, including Aga magéra difúra. Dictionary of imaginary languages (1994) published by Zanichelli, which takes its title from a verse of the famous Dialogue of the greatest systems by Tommaso Landolfi, Forse Queneau. Encyclopedia of Anomalous Sciences (1999), homage to the pataphysicist Raymond Queneau, and Mirabiblia. A catalog raisonné of elusive books (2003). He also wrote for Quodlibet the Dictionary of anomalous institutions in the world (2009), I Crazy Italians (2012), which was one of the top 12 books of the year according to a jury of "la Repubblica", and L'umore involuntario (2012 ). Albani's work has been included in sound poetry anthologies and he has exhibited in group exhibitions of artists' books and visual poetry around the world. His exhibitions have been held in various venues such as Palazzo della Ragione in Mantua, Santa Maria della Scala in Siena, Luigi Pecci Center for Contemporary Art in Prato, Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna in Gallarate, Casermetta del Forte Belvedere in Florence, Palazzo Poli in Rome, Fondazione Magnani-Rocca in Mamiano di Traversetolo (Parma), Papiermuseum in Düren (Germany), Museum de Arte Moderno in Buenos Aires (Argentina), MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome, and Galéria mesta Bratislavy in Bratislava ( Slovakia). Paolo Albani's work has appeared in numerous artist magazines such as BAU, a magazine founded by Vittore Baroni and Antonino Bove, and Antologia Ad Hoc, Bricolage, BAOBAB, TAM TAM. In April 2014 he received the Patafisico Grand Prix in Rimini, established in memory of Freak Antoni, by the Smiting Festival of Unconventional Culture and Patafisica. In 2019 he participated in the 14th edition of the Babel Festival of Literature and Translation (Bellinzona, Swiss Canton of Ticino), dedicated to imaginary languages.