Silvio Alchini Biography
Silvio Alchini, born in 1936, led an intense journey of travel through Europe, the United States of America and Latin America, to which he attributed a value equal to his beloved Fiera di Primiero. He drew inspiration from the tireless artistic spirit of his brother Giulio, ten years older, and like him he began traveling with a thirst to know everything that lay beyond the Schener and the Rolle Pass. He then finds himself in Venice, immersed in the artistic atmosphere that reigned in the city, discovering exhibitions, art galleries and Biennials. This was his life, without a doubt. And so he begins to paint: monumental canvases, abundant colors and innovative artistic motifs. However, it is in sculpture that he finds his signature. It begins with the "Nude" phase, then moves on to the more famous "Torsi" and finally, before the illness strikes him, to the wooden "Textures", all works sought after by gallery owners. The artist died of health complications in 2014.