Pietro Annigoni (Milan, 1910 - Florence, 1988). In 1925 he moved with his family to Florence, where he attended the Academy of Fine Arts. Read the full biography
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Pietro Annigoni (Milan, 1910 - Florence, 1988). In 1925 he moved with his family to Florence, where he attended the Academy of Fine Arts. In 1930 he exhibited his works for the first time in a collective exhibition and in 1932 he held his first personal. Four years later he also exhibited in Milan, obtaining numerous acclaim. Specializing in portraiture, he painted faces of important people, including Elizabeth II, Pope John XXIII, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. He also paints portraits of ordinary people, works of rare intensity, united by an interest in psychological introspection. Between 1966 and 1988 he encountered his greatest period of fame and in these years he exhibited numerous times at the Royal Academy in London and in Italy between Florence and Milan. His production also includes important sacred subjects, which he created for famous Italian basilicas.