Mirella Bentivoglio (Klagenfurt, 28 March 1922 – Rome, 23 March 2017) was an Italian artist and poet. Mirella Bentivoglio, born in Klagenfurt in 1922, lived in Rome. Read the full biography
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Mirella Bentivoglio (Klagenfurt, 28 March 1922 – Rome, 23 March 2017) was an Italian artist and poet. Mirella Bentivoglio, born in Klagenfurt in 1922, lived in Rome. She is an Italian artist, poet and performer, who works in the field of verbo-visual poetics. Since 1965 she has worked on concrete poetry and visual poetry as a critic and artist, creating compositions with words and images, collages and graphic techniques. From experiments with concrete poetry, which enhance the visual aspects of writing, she moved on to visual poetry, which more freely associates writing and image, and to object-poetry, which carries out linguistic interventions on objects and environments. She has curated numerous female art initiatives in Italy and abroad, including a historic exhibition of eighty women at the Venice Biennale in 1978. She has dedicated historical research to the female artists of Italian Futurism. He published poems in volume for the publisher Scheiwiller in 1943 and later for Vallecchi. He has published monographs and essays in Italy and abroad (France, United States, Netherlands, Germany), published, among others, by Fabbri, Mazzotta, Eidos.