The architect Franco Bizzozero, born in 1948 in Cantù, a city in Lombardy Brianza and cradle of cabinet-making art, developed his training in this area and began his first design research by collaborating with magazines and teaching furnishing techniques at design centers. training.
After his scientific studies he attended the Polytechnic of Milan and graduated in '73. Read the full biography
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The architect Franco Bizzozero, born in 1948 in Cantù, a city in Lombardy Brianza and cradle of cabinet-making art, developed his training in this area and began his first design research by collaborating with magazines and teaching furnishing techniques at design centers. training.
After his scientific studies he attended the Polytechnic of Milan and graduated in '73. Since '75 he has been working as a freelancer: as a designer and visual researcher, working in industrial design and corporate communication; as an architect dealing with the various aspects of interior design and scenography, as well as the setting up of exhibition spaces and design exhibitions.
His professional activity is also supported by his institutional activity as President of Centro Legno Arredo (CLAC), a non-profit company in the wood-furniture system established to promote design and technological innovation in SMEs, with growing involvement abroad as speaker at conferences on the "relationship between design and company" and member of the jury.