Jean Boyer, Jean Marie Joseph Boyer, son of the singer-songwriter Lucien Boyer was born in Paris in 1901. He frequented the world of cinema and Parisian cabaret very early.
He met the composer George Von Parys with whom he collaborated on around twenty films including: A bad boy 1936; Extenuating Circumstances 1939, Romane de Paris 1941, with Charles Trenet as a young aspiring music hall singer; Garou-Garou, la passe muraille of 1951, after Marcel Amyé with Brouville in the title role; and operettas such as:, Take the Road, 1936; Une femme puu jour from 1943 but brought to the screen in 1948.
He died March 10, 1965 at 7 bis ville Eugéne -Manuel in Paris.
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