Ietta Buttini Biography
Ietta Buttini, who now lives in Milan, although chasing the sun alternates stops in the Alta Brianza Canzese, however has Piedmontese roots. Raised in Turin, she came to graphics and painting after classical studies and a scientific degree; she certainly got there due to her exuberant need to express herself, her excited enthusiastic narration of every fact always on the border between reality and dream. In Turin she studied painting with Casorati at the Accademia Albertina, then, having moved to Milan, she was a pupil of Cantatore at Brera. In those years he could not find more suitable teachers to stem and give a face to his natural vocation. So from these masters he took the commitment to do and the habit of continuous research, for every detail, for every gesture, so that the image that followed was filtered and embellished by the overlapping and multiplication - almost an echo - for each shape and for each sign to create new spaces in a new dimension. On the canvas or simply in the quick note of a drawing where the color always makes an overbearing appearance, his always well-structured composition can also be read in the painful opening of the forms, as in a search beyond reality. In images that represent a journey of memory, where memories add up and overlap with dreams. She is supported in this research by a loose, confident drafting, always tense and kept with an intelligent rhythm and sudden abandonments, almost as if to focus, in a penetrating realism, on details which then dissolve into evanescent images, almost as if her world were read as “through broken glass”. An incisive, scathing sign, but which knows how to stop and dissolve to give way and space and support to those who want to look to help build or recompose, an almost invitation to continue the dream.