Ulisse Caputo Biography
Ulisse Caputo was born in Salerno in 1875, son of Ermenegildo Caputo, set designer, theater decorator and administrator of the Verdi Theater in Salerno. In the period between 1890 and 1892, he moved to Naples to study at the Academy of Fine Arts, where his teachers were Stanislao Lista for sculpture and Domenico Morelli for painting.
After participating in several national exhibitions, in 1899 he opened a studio in Paris, where he dedicated himself mainly to illustration. In 1901 he made his debut with the painting entitled "The Widow" at the Salon, participating regularly until 1932. Between 1911 and 1912 he made several paintings depicting landscapes in Britain, which were then exhibited in various local museums. Ulisse Caputo has always been interested in theatre, a passion that was passed on to him by his father during his youth. In 1910, he had a small stage built in his Parisian atelier to experiment with furnishings, architecture, lights, perspective games and everything related to stage representation. In 1921, the Pesaro Gallery in Milan dedicated an important solo exhibition to him.
Ulisse Caputo died in Paris in 1948.