Paolo Favi Biography
His exhibition activity began in the early Sixties, an anxiety towards a new spatiality soon manifested itself in his work, as if due to a manifest discomfort towards the fields of figurative expression, which it is no coincidence that Favi tended to abandon towards the end of the decade , and in a more decisive and consequent way at the beginning of the Seventies, after the meeting with Vinicio Berti, one of the founders of Classical Abstractionism. In any case, a turning point is represented by the Roman exhibition, at the Galleria Numero in Fiamma Vigo, where the artist exhibits his first decidedly abstract works, which are characterized as a series of modular monotypes, which add up, are composed and articulate into complex aggregations. The idea of construction by modules characterizes the work of the Seventies, when he adheres to the manifesto "Birth of a constructive morphology", participating in the group's exhibition at Palazzo Strozzi in 1973. Paolo Favi's research evolved further at the beginning of the 1980s, with attention to a different articulation of space; This is how the "films" were born which are the most characterizing element of his artistic career. Among his numerous exhibitions we should mention at least the two set up, in the company of Vinicio Berti and Smyte, at the Santa Chiara Auditorium in Vercelli, in 1986, and then the following year in Florence, for the inauguration of the AZ Incontri Gallery. However, Paolo Favi's artistic commitment was not limited to painting, having simultaneously carried out an intense activity as an animator of avant-garde cultural groups. Since 1972 the artist has been part of the Studio d'Arte Il Moro collective, which in recent decades has been committed to trying to keep the debate on contemporary artistic research in Florence alive, setting up exhibitions, organizing conferences and promoting publications.