Nicola Filazzola Biography
Nicola Filazzola was born in Ferrandina. He lives and works between Matera and Grizzana Morandi, a small town in the Emilian Apennines, with his studio in La Scola, an ancient medieval village. At the beginning of the 70s, artistic activity crossed political passion and civil commitment. The meeting with artists such as Ennio Calabria and Vittorio Basaglia, important exponents of the "New Figuration" with whom he established balances, dates back to that era. bonds of friendship. He has held personal exhibitions in major Italian and foreign cities. His works can be found in public and private collections. Among the personalities who have written about Filazzola are: Ernesto Treccani, Dario Micacchi, Francesco Vincitorio, Elisa Acanfora. Of his graphics, noteworthy is the portfolio of etchings-aquatints from 1978: Violence and politics in the province of Matera, 1902-1940. Just as worth remembering are the portraits of Don Abbondio, Father Pirrone, Don Traiella, collected in the notebook: "Poems of disaffection and fear", a cruel reflection on the relationships between the clergy and power. In 1998 he published "Il fante di Tursi", a graphic and reasoned work born from the reading of the war monuments of Basilicata. In 2004, in the Sala Museale del Baraccano in Bologna, he exhibited the pictorial cycle dedicated to the transformations of the southern countryside. He has created works for the council chambers of the municipalities of Montescaglioso and Pisticci. For some years, in the hypogea of his studio, located in the heart of the Sasso Caveoso of Matera, he has been promoting interesting cultural encounters, most recently the one with the works of Tonino Guerra.