Walter Furlan Biography
Walter Furlan was born in Chioggia in 1931, a small town south of the Venice lagoon. He entered the VAMSA furnace at a very young age, where he worked with the master Romano Tosi, better known as "Mamaracio". At the end of the 1940-45 world war, he worked in the Cenedese Gino factory, where he found Alfredo Barbini and all the old masters of the now defunct VAMSA, among whom there was "Mamaracio" and Gino Forte known as "Peta". At Cenedese Gino learned the technique of "solid" workmanship, a technique that would later become master Furlan's favourite. Having become a master at a very young age, he began to have his first contacts with artists very early and met Fulvio Bianconi. Around the early seventies he entered the Seguso Vetri d'Arte glass factory, under the guidance of the master Angelo Seguso and the designer he learned the processing of submerged and stylized glass, characteristic of the designs of Prof. Favio Poli, then collaborator of Seguso Vetri D'Arte , becoming its most faithful interpreter. In 1977 he collaborated in the "First Course for Artists" held by the International Glass School, on this occasion he executed glass works for the artists: Horst Sobota, Renzo Margonari, Ghibbé, demonstrating his high interpretative skills of artistic drawings. He has recently created works for Lindstron, Alinari, Barattini, R. Wagner, Jef Van Reniaout. Today it finds its greatest expression by creating glass inspired by the fascinating artistic journey of Picasso's work, expressing in glass all the experience acquired during the collaboration with the old masters. His works can be found in the best ateliers and galleries specialized in the sale of glass works. Currently in his forge the master is always looking to express all his creativity through glass, always creating new solid wood sculptures, even of considerable dimensions.