Tullio Garbari was born on August 14, 1892 in Pergine Valsugana in Tyrol and passed away on October 8, 1931 in Paris. He was an Italian painter who attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and was part of the artistic movement of the Rebels of Ca' Pesaro. Read the full biography
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Tullio Garbari was born on August 14, 1892 in Pergine Valsugana in Tyrol and passed away on October 8, 1931 in Paris. He was an Italian painter who attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and was part of the artistic movement of the Rebels of Ca' Pesaro. After serving in the First World War as an Italian soldier, he spent the following years studying and writing, deepening various artistic and cultural disciplines. Returning to painting in 1927, he exhibited in various European cities, painting many works with religious and popular themes. In 1931, he moved to Paris, where he suddenly passed away at the young age of 39.