Lajos Kassak Biography
Lajos Kassák, born 21 March 1887 and died 22 July 1967, was a Hungarian poet, novelist, painter, essayist, editor, avant-garde theorist and translator. He was among the first working-class writers in Hungarian literature and became a writer within the socialist movement, publishing magazines important to the radical intellectual culture of Budapest in the early 1900s. While not fully identifiable with any single movement avant-garde, Kassák adopted elements of expressionism, futurism and dadaism. In 1920, due to the Hungarian government's attack on intellectuals like him, he fled into exile in Vienna, where he remained for six years. Returning to Hungary, he engaged in literary activities, founding the Munka Circle and the magazine, which lasted for almost ten consecutive years. In 1967, on the occasion of his 80th birthday, he was awarded the state medal in recognition of his politically enthusiastic and artistically significant efforts. He died on July 22 of the same year.