(Turin, 20 December 1929). He meets Gino Severini who he will join in Paris, as assistant to the mosaic chair, the following year. Read the full biography
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(Turin, 20 December 1929). He meets Gino Severini who he will join in Paris, as assistant to the mosaic chair, the following year. He began to live between Paris, frequenting the studios of various artists, and Venice where he maintained his own. He became a mosaic teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts in Paris and, since 1970, taught engraving techniques in Venice. In 1963 he won the Michetti prize. He took part in the Venice Biennials of 1964, 1970 and 1972, the Rome Quadrennial, the Paris, Sao Paulo and Alexandria Biennials in Egypt. In this period he developed and defined what would later become his artistic language, a sort of composite alphabet by symbols and graphic features, which will characterize much of his production, particularly in oils on canvas, mixed techniques, and limited edition serigraphs. These traits, which Licata himself defines as imaginary letters, a "graphic-pictorial writing" that draws inspiration from musical language, are used by the artist to compose the works that will make him famous.