Gianluigi Lizzoli Biography
Gianluigi Lizioli was born in Milan in 1929, but grew up in Bergamo, where his family moved when he was still a child. His father, retired and former municipal secretary of Cassano d'Adda, loved the mountains very much and this pushed the family to move to that area. In 1948 he enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara, on the advice of the painters Alberto Vitali and Ernesto Quarti Marchiò. During his years of study in Carrara, Lizioli had the opportunity to learn from two great masters, Achille Funi and Trento Longaretti, who provided him with solid training in painting and fresco painting.
The period between 1952 and 1953 was particularly fruitful for Lizioli, who received two purchase prizes at the Mostra Fiera delle Palme di Melzo and at the Mostra Città di Torino, as well as numerous awards at exhibitions and art competitions in various Italian cities. In 1954 he held his first solo exhibition at the Galleria della Torre in Bergamo and from that moment on he continued to paint and exhibit until his death in 2008.
During his long artistic career, Lizioli has received over one hundred recognitions and prizes, including the Prize of the President of the Republic and the Prize of the Ministry for Public Works. He has exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions in various Italian cities and his art has been appreciated for its ability to create delicate and harmonious landscapes, playing with tones and colours.