Verena Loewensberg (28 May 1912 - 27 April 1986) was a Swiss painter and photographer. In 1936 he painted his first works and in 1937 he collaborated in the founding of an association of modern artists in Zurich: at the center were the Zürcher Konkreten. Read the full biography
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Verena Loewensberg (28 May 1912 - 27 April 1986) was a Swiss painter and photographer. In 1936 he painted his first works and in 1937 he collaborated in the founding of an association of modern artists in Zurich: at the center were the Zürcher Konkreten. Loewensberg is associated with Max Bill, Camille Graeser and Richard Paul Lohse. He participated in their successful group exhibitions. Furthermore, she was inspired by the work of Georges Vantongerloo and Piet Mondrian. In the 1950s and 1960s he worked for Guhl and Geigy.