Danilo Manenti Biography
Danilo Manenti was born in 1951 in Cagliari. He moved with his family in 1954 to Palazzolo s/O, Brescia. The Carrara Academy of Fine Arts in Bergamo began in 1966, under the artistic direction of Maestro Trento Longaretti. During these years he participated in decoration groups for the hospital complex of Treviglio Caravaggio based on designs by Longaretti. At the Academy he received a silver medal for the hagiography course (history of sacred art) and one for the etching and lithography course. In 1969 he exhibited his first work within the International Graphics Collective held in the Church of S. Agostino, Bergamo with masters of the caliber of Aiolfi, Cassinari, Greco, Marini, Sassu, Manzù. In 1972, after completing seven years of the Academy, he studied ancient techniques in depth, especially Renaissance and Flemish ones in various European countries. In 1980 he exhibited large-scale informal works on raw jute canvas at the San Fedele auditorium in Palazzolo in Brescia. The exhibition was visited among others by Agostino Bonalumi, who particularly appreciated the work entitled "The Indian Blanket". . In 1983 Manenti was in Stuttgart Germany where he met the gallerist and art dealer Heurike Steger. An important collaboration began with him which ended in 1987 in Italy with an exhibition of frescoes in the municipal buildings of Todi, Perugia. In 1984 he won 2nd place in the Lyceum prize in Milan awarded to him by the critic Carlo Franza. Since the 90s, on the occasion of his exhibitions, he has proposed pictorial performances, including those created in 1992 at the G. Vittone artists' house in Tenno in the province of Trento. In 1994 he participated in the European Art Festival in Sussex, Great Britain. In the same year he exhibited in the municipal halls of the Republic of San Marino. From 1995 to '98 he carried out teaching activities by holding creative workshops in kindergartens, primary schools and high schools. In 1999 he intensified his activity as a performer by taking part in exhibitions and shows. Worth mentioning is the “Personal art studio gallery” in Brescia. Along his path Danilo has created thousands of works which are in collections both in Italy and abroad.