Marco Mantovani Kayone Biography
One of the first Italian writers, KayOne, born in 1972, started in 1988 at the age of 16. Pioneer in Milan when graffiti writing only appeared in recycled American TV series. Founder of the first Italian Graffiti Writing Tribe Magazine in the early 1990s, he has never abandoned his passion for art and Writing, which is still part of his daily life today, organizing and participating in numerous Writing and Writing events. artistic events throughout Italy. KayOne whose work is characterized by pleasant and bold color combinations, energetic chaos of lines, shapes that recall urban arteries, the breath of the city and the art that colors it, on canvas finds a more gestural and instinctive form of painting. Without abandoning the classic visual impact of Writing, which on the wall expresses all its strength with colors and dimensions, in his works he maintains the same strength of color and material by creating writings, letters and explosions of color with the gestures of the brushstroke, similar to shocks of energy coming from a Big Bang of the street universe.