Born in Milan on 7 June 1942, he lives and works in Milan. His personal exhibitions include: 1971, Galleria San Marco, Brescia; 1973, Rizzolino Gallery, Milan; 1975 Galleria de' Carbonesi, Bologna; 1977 Rizzoli Center, Milan; 1977 La Guzzina Gallery, Brugherio; 1985 Galleria Cenobio, Visualità, Milan; 1987 Galleria Viciana, Milan; 1987 Pancheri Gallery, in Expo Arte, Bari; 1989 Buchmesse bookshop, Milan; 1989 AZ Gallery, Milan; 1989 IL Fortino, Meeting with Sculpture, Bari; 1991 Cascina San Vitale, Osmate (Va); 1993 Untitled and Artra, Milan.
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