Ontani Luigi (Bologna, 1943) Luigi Ontani trained in Bologna, then traveled to the Far East and subsequently settled in Rome in 1970. In 1967 he exhibited his works for the first time in Bologna. Read the full biography
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Ontani Luigi (Bologna, 1943) Luigi Ontani trained in Bologna, then traveled to the Far East and subsequently settled in Rome in 1970. In 1967 he exhibited his works for the first time in Bologna. His style is a cross between sacred and profane, Eastern and Western culture and in his artistic career he has dedicated himself to experimenting with photographic techniques, developing artistic performances with tableaux vivants and creating self-portraits inspired by historical figures. Starting from the 1980s, Ontani became interested in manual craftsmanship, creating works in papier-mâché and objects in wood, porcelain and blown glass. Subsequently he took a trip to Indonesia to dedicate himself to researching traditional manufacturing techniques, using different materials. His works have been presented in important national and international art exhibitions and in many personal exhibitions around the world.