Jacques Palumbo Biography
Jacques Palumbo (1939 - ) was born in Algeria and graduated in philosophy (1959) before studying for a year at the École d'architecture et des beaux-arts in Algiers. In 1960 he left for Paris to study art (history and academic drawing), attending the Institut d'arts et archéologie de Paris and obtaining a degree in drawing and visual arts (Diplôme supérieur de dessin et d'arts plastiques, 1964). In 1965, the same year he obtained a high school teaching certificate (Certificat d'aptitude pédagogique à l'enseignement Secondaire), he emigrated to Canada and settled in Montreal to begin his career as a painter, printmaker, and sculptor. Palumbo's works have been featured in numerous exhibitions both in Canada and abroad, including the 1992 Symposium de sculpture de Trois-Rivières, and are currently found in private and public collections in Canada and Europe. In the early 1970s, he used mathematics as the foundation of his colorful, geometric pieces, then turned to computers to combine art with science. For several years he has dedicated himself to writing, publishing his first novel, Un Iguane en hiver (“An iguana in winter”) in 2006, followed by the second, Don Pascale (L'Harmattan, Paris, col. Amarante), in 2007 .