Ezio Pastorio (Cremona, 1911- Milan, 2006). Born into a family of collectors and antique dealers, he studied in Naples at the Institute of Fine Arts, in Milan in Aldo Carpi's studio, and in Bergamo at the Accademia Carrara. Read the full biography
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Ezio Pastorio (Cremona, 1911- Milan, 2006). Born into a family of collectors and antique dealers, he studied in Naples at the Institute of Fine Arts, in Milan in Aldo Carpi's studio, and in Bergamo at the Accademia Carrara. In 1946 he had his first solo exhibition in the Santo Spirito gallery. Starting from 1941 he frequented the Val Seriana, whose landscape would greatly influence his works. In 1948 and 1950 he exhibited at the Venetian Biennials and in 1951 at the Roman Quadrennial. The painter's contribution to the "Lombard School" is very important, thanks to his landscapes and his atmospheres rendered with intense colours.