Gaetano Pesce (La Spezia, 1939). After studying architecture at the IUAV in Venice, he attended the Institute of Industrial Design. Read the full biography
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Gaetano Pesce (La Spezia, 1939). After studying architecture at the IUAV in Venice, he attended the Institute of Industrial Design. Starting from 1959 he joined the Gruppo N, born in Padua and including other important artists. In 1972 he participated in the exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York: “Italy: The New Domestic Landscape” and in this city he created the Fish Design company. His works are exhibited in important museums around the world such as the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Starting in 1962, he began his career by collaborating with B&B Italia on the creation of Up, a series of seven armchair models, one of the icons of Italian and international industrial design. Another main activity of Gaetano Pesce is sculpture which will accompany him throughout his career. One of his latest works is Italy on the cross, a work that symbolically represents the situation of the country.