Pinelli Pino (Catania, 1938) Pino Pinelli moved to Milan in 1963, fascinated by the artistic debate of those years and animated by artistic figures, such as Fontana, Manzoni, Castellani. He held his first solo exhibition at the Bergamini Gallery and in the 1970s he tried to create a connection between innovation and tradition, paying particular attention to the pictorial surface. Read the full biography
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Pinelli Pino (Catania, 1938) Pino Pinelli moved to Milan in 1963, fascinated by the artistic debate of those years and animated by artistic figures, such as Fontana, Manzoni, Castellani. He held his first solo exhibition at the Bergamini Gallery and in the 1970s he tried to create a connection between innovation and tradition, paying particular attention to the pictorial surface. He created the "Topologie" and "Monochrome" cycles, which placed him in the trend defined as "analytical painting", although from 1976 he drastically reduced the size of the works, positioned in space and placed next to each other. The artist held several personal exhibitions both in Italy and abroad.