Sergio Putatti Biography
Sergio Putatti (1939 - ) born in Follonica in 1939, is the representative artist of the most restless and creative generation of post-war Turin, the same generation that brought together the artists, critics and galleries that would give life to art Poor and individual notable personalities such as Mondino, Piacentino and Paolini. Sergio Putatti was present with his artistic activity at the end of the 1960s, in which he made his debut as a figurative expressionist painter with exhibitions mainly in Turin and Milan. At the beginning of the 1970s, after a period of reflection and research, he shifted his attention to issues of a spatial and conceptual nature, following the developments of contemporary art. At the beginning of the 80s, however, he faced new interests in the fields of design, stylistism and photography. In particular as a photographer, he follows experimental cinema and theatre. Today, with a new return to his interest in painting, he develops new contents and techniques in cyclical works, even large ones.