Franco Rognoni (Milan, 1913 - Milan, 1999). From a young age he showed his passion for drawing and painting, attending evening courses at the Higher School of Art of the Castello Sforzesco in Milan. Read the full biography
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Franco Rognoni (Milan, 1913 - Milan, 1999). From a young age he showed his passion for drawing and painting, attending evening courses at the Higher School of Art of the Castello Sforzesco in Milan. His education, self-taught and characterized by an openness towards the new arts, experienced a turning point when he frequented the library of the art critic Raffaello Giolli who was the first to recognize his talent. Starting from 1949-1950 he began to exhibit for over thirty years for the Galleria dell'Annunciata in Milan. He forms friendships with artists and poets, such as Quasimodo and Gatto. Giovanni Botta commissioned him to illustrate some great literary masterpieces, which he created using the watercolor technique. The artist tries to develop a personal style, allowing himself to be seduced by different cultures. At the end of the world war, due to the atomic event, he experienced an existential crisis which he resolved by dedicating himself to illustration for publishing, political and customs drawing. In 1947 the collaboration with the newspaper Avanti! began. and work as a set designer. This is a personality sensitive to human, cultural and artistic stimuli.