Jose' Ramon Alejandro Biography
Jose Ramon Diaz Alejandro is a Cuban painter and writer born in Havana in 1943. In 1960 he left his family and Cuba to explore the world and visit numerous museums, in search of works that fascinate him. His artistic production, which began in 1966, is very varied both in terms of the techniques used (engraving, watercolour, etching) and the themes covered. It is slow but meticulous, and is characterized by the details and surreal elements present. The artist is in fact influenced by surrealist aesthetics and his production ranges from the painting of disturbing machines floating in space to the creation of works representing strange dead or lost civilizations among tropical vegetation. His works are exhibited in numerous collective and personal exhibitions, including the “Alejandro” exhibition at the Galerie Maya in Brussels in 1969, the Galerie Jacques Desbrière in Paris in 1971 and at the Galerie Du Dragon in Paris in 1987. In 1984 he participated in the Foire Internationale d'Art Contemporain (FIAC) at the Grand Palais in Paris. In 2001, his work was selected for the New Art Of Cuba exhibition at the José Alonso Fine Arts Gallery in Miami, Florida. While his pictorial and graphic work is more substantial, the production of sculptural works is curiously reduced. However, he exhibited one of his machines, made from a refrigerator, at the Grand Palais in Paris, in 2007, with 49 other Cuban artists, as part of the traveling exhibition Les Monstres devoreurs d'économie