Emma Azzi Biography
Emma Azzi is a painter from Lodi whose artistic language is inspired by American Abstract Expressionism and informal art. In Milan he attended the Cimabue Academy and in the nineties he moved to Paris where he remained for a decade. Having returned from France, she entered the world of abstract expressionism, after a course in figurative art. His research focuses on painting techniques and the use of color. Azzi's production moves along a non-figurative, non-objective line, with or without theme; anyone who lived through the fifties and remembers its context, intensity and energetic moments can grasp his approach to Informal art. And this is not to provide interpretations, but to avoid simplifications and inappropriate labeling. The informal (in the various more or less widespread definitions (such as tachisme, art autre, action painting, nuclearism, dripping), does not mean shapeless or formless, but rather non-formal or aformal. It has always indicated "a critical attitude": breaking the figurative, formal or geometric schemes, and resolve the expressive urgency in an explosion of signs and chromatic matter, but always linked to philosophical, phenomenological, existential and literary problems.