Art Cracking (1993 - ) The Cracking Art movement was born in 1993 with the aim of radically changing the history of art through a strong social and environmental commitment. The revolutionary use of plastic materials investigates the close relationship between natural reality and artificial reality. Read the full biography
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Art Cracking (1993 - ) The Cracking Art movement was born in 1993 with the aim of radically changing the history of art through a strong social and environmental commitment. The revolutionary use of plastic materials investigates the close relationship between natural reality and artificial reality. The group size does not limit the creativity of each individual artist: each member of the movement also works independently. The founders of the group are: Alex Angi, Kicco, Renzo Nucara, Carlo Rizzetti, William Sweetlove and Marco Veronese. The very name of the group derives from the desire to break with the past: "to crack" in English means breaking, dividing, breaking. The artists' belief develops on the one hand in a profound environmentalist sentiment, on the other in constant attention to technological innovations: the choice to use recyclable plastics therefore explains both directions. Rescuing plastic from toxic and fatal destruction for the environment means producing works of art sensitive to nature, which above all communicate through an innovative aesthetic language. The large colored plastic sculptures by Cracking Art Group are the result of collective, but also individual, research, developed by each artist. Meerkats, snails, frogs, swallows, and many other subjects invade a great variety of locations, be they private homes or public places, as happened in the city of Milan (in the park of the Castello Sforzesco and on the Navigli for example).