Roberta Diazzi Biography
Roberta Diazzi was born in Modena in 1973, she graduated in 1992 from the “A. Venturi”, specializing in graphic techniques. The painter immediately understood the importance of the pictorial gesture in the search for immediate visual communication: the creative brushstrokes of her oil paint gave the works that great expressive impact which later became her exclusive signature. This sign - which makes adherence to truth its most celebrated quality - runs through the texture of his canvases, materializing in the extraordinary game of a very personal stylistic-expressive code, attributable to the greats of international Pop Art, especially in the chromatic choices: Andy Warhol for the seriality of his depictions; and Roy Lichtenstein for that original stylistic revision derived from the comic. He has been working for several years in the Principality of Monaco where he received recognition from Princess Caroline herself who has the work “l oevre pop de Monaco” in her studio. The artist creates works with Swarovski certified crystals, for the well-known production of full-hatch works with original crystals from the Austrian company. From 2011 onwards these precious faceted and reflective materials entirely compose his creations. With sizes that vary between 4 and half a millimeter in diameter, to be able to cover even the smallest spaces on the processed surface, they break down and reflect light and colours, giving the subjects vibration and liveliness. Each work is also accompanied by a certificate of authenticity of Swarovski crystals. Light is necessary for the enjoyment of the work. If direct or tangential it creates reflections or shadows that modify the vision, accentuating the mobility and dynamism of the shapes. The image is then integrated and completed by sensitivity and personal perception. Her works live through different passages: the photographic image that the artist breaks down to draw drawings to which she herself attributes plays of light and dark, strong colors and soft colours, plays of shadows and light. The drawings are then transferred with the soft pencil freehand onto the support. Even the surface on which the crystals are applied is the result of a long search for materials, to enhance their preciousness to the nth degree. This is black plexiglass. Last in chronological order - but no less important - the collaboration with Luxor Gioielli: the portrait of Peng Liyuan, created for a short stay in the Italian company's Shanghai Show Room, subsequently became part of the private collection of the First Lady of China. Diazzi is a careful painter; There are frequent occasions when he paints landscapes and views of metropolises, showing the signs of that globalization and that mixture of different artistic cultures typical of contemporary Neo-Pop. And which she, a vital and sensitive artist, understands completely. The result is therefore a painting in which the harmony of the contrast combines with the pleasantness of the sign, giving the observer the value of aesthetically well-made things.