Spanish painter and engraver (Fuendetodos, Zaragoza, 1746-Bordeaux 1828). Pupil in Zaragoza of J. Luzán y Martinez, he moved to Madrid in 1763, where he tried twice without success to be admitted to the Academy of S. Read the full biography
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Spanish painter and engraver (Fuendetodos, Zaragoza, 1746-Bordeaux 1828). Pupil in Zaragoza of J. Luzán y Martinez, he moved to Madrid in 1763, where he tried twice without success to be admitted to the Academy of S. Fernando; this was the first contact with the official artistic environment dominated in those years by Mengs and the Tiepolos who, together with Velázquez and the painters of the purest Spanish tradition, constituted the nucleus on which the Goya's figurative language. The artist opens up to a new, fully romantic figurative language that freely uses expressionistic deformation and symbolic allusion, an impressionistic technique that dramatically exaggerates the contrasts of color and light: the point of arrival is the hallucinating painted visions oil on the walls of the Quinta del Sordo (1819-23), the house in Carabanchel where Goya retired in 1819.