Hassan Fathy (Alexandria, Egypt, 23 March 1900 - Cairo, 30 November 1989) was an Egyptian architect and urban planner. He studied low-cost housing for developing countries, proposing the use of traditional technologies and materials, such as mud bricks. Read the full biography
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Hassan Fathy (Alexandria, Egypt, 23 March 1900 - Cairo, 30 November 1989) was an Egyptian architect and urban planner. He studied low-cost housing for developing countries, proposing the use of traditional technologies and materials, such as mud bricks. He built the village of Gourna in Egypt, near Luxor (1946-1953), and rebuilt the village of Mit-el-Nasara (1954). He was also the author of numerous school buildings and private houses. In 1980 he was awarded the Balzan Prize for architecture and urban planning.