Rosai Ottone (Florence, 1985 - Ivrea, 1957) Ottone Rosai was an Italian painter. He enrolled at the Institute of Decorative Arts in Piazza Santa Croce, where he studied ornate drawing. Read the full biography
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Rosai Ottone (Florence, 1985 - Ivrea, 1957) Ottone Rosai was an Italian painter. He enrolled at the Institute of Decorative Arts in Piazza Santa Croce, where he studied ornate drawing. Rosai continued his artistic training as a self-taught person and in 1913 he joined the Futurist Movement, approaching the works of Boccioni and becoming friends with some exponents of the group, such as Soffici, Carrà, Severini. He also began to collaborate with the magazine "Lacerba" and after the war he developed his own pictorial language, inspired by cubist and metaphysical experiences. The artist's favorite subjects are: still lifes, landscapes, compositions with figures, views of the popular neighborhoods of Florence. In 1933 he signed the "Realist Manifesto", which exalted fascist culture and art, but the artist always painted anti-rhetorical portraits, characterized by a humanity of "vanquished". In 1939 he became a professor of figure drawing at the Art School and obtained the chair of painting at the Academy of Florence.