Domenico Zampieri, also known as Domenichino, was born in Bologna on 21 October 1581. From a young age he demonstrated a great passion for art, learning his first painting lessons first at Denijs Calvaert's atelier in Bologna, then at the Academy degli Incamminati, where he worked together with Ludovico Carracci, Guido Reni and Francesco Albani. Read the full biography
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Domenico Zampieri, also known as Domenichino, was born in Bologna on 21 October 1581. From a young age he demonstrated a great passion for art, learning his first painting lessons first at Denijs Calvaert's atelier in Bologna, then at the Academy degli Incamminati, where he worked together with Ludovico Carracci, Guido Reni and Francesco Albani. In 1601 Domenichino moved to Rome to study the works of Raphael and collaborate with Annibale Carracci on the construction site of the Farnese Gallery. In 1621, Pope Gregory XV appointed Domenichino as general architect of the Apostolic Chamber. However, he never designed any buildings. But he accepted the commission to fresco the plumes and choir of the basilica of Sant'Andrea della Valle, and a few years later he painted the stories of the saint's life in the apse.
Domenichino died in Naples on 6 April 1641.