Guido Zanoletti, born in 1933, was a Genoese artist with remarkable expressiveness who stood out for his skills as a draftsman, set designer, poet and teacher at the Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti in Genoa. Zanoletti was influenced by the tradition that developed through the study of perceptive mechanisms, which include the transition from impressionism to constructivism up to the most recent kinetic research. Read the full biography
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Guido Zanoletti, born in 1933, was a Genoese artist with remarkable expressiveness who stood out for his skills as a draftsman, set designer, poet and teacher at the Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti in Genoa. Zanoletti was influenced by the tradition that developed through the study of perceptive mechanisms, which include the transition from impressionism to constructivism up to the most recent kinetic research. In his works, the artist tried to explore the mechanics of dreams, through a dream geometry that induces reflections without arousing anxiety. Zanoletti's work ended with his passing in 2014, at the age of eighty-one.